HCA Gradebook: “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3”
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June 3, 2023Movie: Fast X
Plot: Dom Toretto and his family are targeted by the vengeful son of drug kingpin Hernan Reyes.
Cast: Vin Diesel, Jason Momoa, Michelle Rodriguez, Ludacris, Tyrese Gibson, Charlize Theron, John Cena, Brie Larson, Daniela Melchior, Sung Kang, Nathalie Emmanuel, and Helen Mirren
Director: Louis Leterrier
Release Date: May 19, 2023
Studio: Universal Pictures
Number of Graders: 54
Overall Grade: B
Rachel Leishman says, “It’s hard to keep being better and faster than the preceding movie, but somehow, the Fast and the Furious franchise is doing it. Fast X had a lot of work to do. After all, in F9, the team went to space. But what works about the tenth installment (unless you’re counting Hobbs and Shaw) in the franchise is that it’s just as wild as we’ve come to know these movies to be while still bringing the characters we love to life in a way that really works for the franchise as a whole.”
Grade: A
Ricky Valero says, “Fast X is not only the best time you will have in the theaters all year, but I genuinely believe it’s the best movie of the franchise. The stakes have never been higher, with the action top-notch and Jason Momoa delivering a performance of his lifetime. This is just the beginning of the end of the franchise, and I’ve got my seatbelt fastened and ready for the ride.”
Grade: A-
Landon Johnson says, “Fast X is a high-octane audacious and absurd spectacle that’s fueled by Jason Momoa and the shocking star studded cameos. My favorite of the franchise since the original. Can’t wait for more! Vroom vroom, Fast Familia.”
Grade: A-
Kit Stone says, “Fast X is the best ride you’ll take this year. Jason Momoa’s peacockish villainy steals the show. Tyrese’s comedic timing is stellar, as always. Once it starts, there’s no breaking. It’s the beginning of what will be a glorious end.”
Grade: A-
Catalina Combs says, “I saw Fast X in 4DX. It was so fun! An adrenaline rush! Funny moments that show the franchise understands the haters and doesn’t care. Jason Momoa is a fantastic villain. The film has several cliched moments and dialogue, but that’s to be expected. The stints and action do not disappoint.”
Grade: A-
Rachel Wagner says, “Jason Momoa is one of the most compelling villains I’ve seen in a franchise film in a long time- not just the Fast franchise but any franchise.”
Grade: B+
Scott Menzel says, “Fast X is totally ridiculous but in all the best ways possible. This is the very definition of popcorn entertainment and delivers exactly what one would want from this franchise. Jason Momoa steals the show and is the scene-stealer every single time. As someone who was very disappointed with Fast 9, I am happy to report that it seems this franchise is back on track.”
Grade: B+
Dana Han-Klein says, “An absolutely absurd and incoherent thrill ride. It makes no sense but if you’re a fan of the franchise already you’ll eat it up. Action wise the set pieces fail to meet the bar set by previous entries. However, Jason Momoa brings a breath of fresh air as the most ridiculous and flamboyant villain yet.
Grade: B+
Therese Lacson says, “Fast X delivers another entertaining and ridiculous entry into the franchise. Though Momoa feels like the perfect addition to the world, his character Dante feels too cartoonish at times. The action is still top tier and the franchise continues to lean into its own absurdity. It’s own self-awareness mixed with its obsession with one-upping itself with each movie makes it an absurdly fun time.”
Grade: B+
Meredith Loftus says, “Fast X returns to the franchise’s strengths by incorporating the best parts of previous great Fast movies, such as Fast Five. It delivers on the promise of it being the first part of a 2-part finale and leaves you wanting more as the credits roll. Everyone has been saying it but it’s true: Jason Momoa was born to be part of the Fast franchise. He is the perfect mix of dramatic campy villain you want for these movies and he DELIVERS!”
Grade: B+
Zachary Pope says, “Fast X saved the Fast & Furious franchise for me. After F9 left me going “alright that was fun but I’m over it,” Fast X brings back what I loved from Fast 5-7! Jason Momoa injects the adrenaline rush this franchise truly needed to elevate the stakes, the insanity, & family.”
Grade: B+
Michael Lee says, “Fast X is another outrageous cinematic series of car crashes that defies the rules of god and gravity. Jason Momoa brings in a wild new dynamic that makes this long running franchise feel new again. It proves it still as some gas in the tank, and a few surprises too. Pure popcorn fun.”
Grade: B+
James White says, “There are signs that the tires are getting low on the Fast franchise but thanks to Jason Momoa providing a real breath of fresh air as new villain Dante and the usual assortment of vehicular mayhem, there’s enough fun to be found here to make Fast X enough of a thrill ride that’s worth watching, even if you feel like checking out of the movies at this point.”
Grade: B+
Rick Hong says, “Fast X is action, action and more action. Jason Momoa brings the fun as the franchise’s newest villain.”
Grade: B+
Ryan McQuade says, “Fast X is the most bombastic, ridiculous entry yet in the franchise and it works on every level. The insane, relentless action set pieces blend well with a truly fantastic villain played by Jason Mamoa, who steals the entire. If this is the beginning of the end of the road for Dom and his family, what a hell of a way to start!”
Grade: B
Paul McGuire Grimes says, “I still prefer my Fast movies with a little more realism and practical stunts like Fast Five, but Fast X revved up the crowd and I had a blast from start to finish.”
Grade: B
Tessa Smith says, “Is Fast X perfect? Absolutely not. It is cheesy and silly, but that is how this franchise has always been. Most the plot points in this movie are predictable, but that doesn’t make them any less entertaining. The end of the franchise is near, we have been told this by Vin Diesel, so of course they decided to go big and bold, while also returning to the streets in Fast X. With Jason Momoa giving it his all as the villain, fan favorites returning to the screen, and a cliffhanger that will have your jaw on the floor, this one is a must see in theaters.”
Grade: B
Cleide Klock says, “Fast X is a fun, action-packed addition to the franchise, with Jason Momoa stealing the show with his hilarious presence. The film offers intense car chases and jaw-dropping stunts, although the plot follows a familiar formula. Nonetheless, the emphasis is on the exciting spectacle rather than the storyline, making it a worthwhile watch for fans of the franchise.”
Grade: B
Abbie Bernstein says, “Fast X ends on a big cliffhanger. It didn’t strictly have to, since FAST & FURIOUS fans have long since demonstrated they’ll show up for the ride whether they’re in suspense or not. Fast X delivers on what it promises with proficiency. It doesn’t transcend its essential nature, but there’s no reason that it should.”
Grade: B
Alexander Robinson says, “Just as I was about to get off the Fast & Furious hype train, they win me back with Fast X. This installment gets back to what made FAST FIVE, FAST & FURIOUS 6, and FURIOUS 7 so enjoyable, with an even balance of over the top insanity, without taking itself too seriously as the last two films did. The action scenes are just as crazy and spectacular as ever and under the direction of Louis Leterrier, the movie never stops being entertaining. The entire cast seems to be more aware of how ridiculous this series has become, and this is definitely the case with Jason Momoa as the film’s villain. It’s clear that he is having the time of his life while making the movie. Unfortunately, there are many other actors who only show up for less than five scenes and the movie abruptly ends, which might leave a bad final impression for some. That being said though, it left me more excited for the next two films than F9 did two years prior. Those who haven’t seen any of these movies should probably stay away, but if you can prepare yourself for a ridiculous and insane popcorn movie, then it is a great time in the theater.”
Grade: B
Aaron Neuwirth says, “Building off what feels like an attempt to capture the energy of Avengers: Infinity War, Fast X is a massive movie with many moving parts and a villain who will easily become iconic for fans of the series. And here’s the other thing – as ridiculous as this film is, it feels very thought out. Coming off of the more mixed efforts of the past few installments, this is the best entry since Furious 7.”
Grade: B
Sean Chandler says, “You know what you’re in for with a Fast and the Furious movie. They’re always big, absurd, and bombastic. For many the last couple of films have simply gone too far. Fast X feels like they’re dialed things back just a bit, and recaptured the vibe of parts 5-7 (the franchises peak). The stakes and motivations are more personal, and it features one of the best villains of the series.”
Grade: B
David Gonzalez says, “Fast X will not bring new fans into the fold. However, the film does its best to get faith back to those who felt the tires were coming off this car. So if you’ve suspended your disbelief for 20 years, prepare for even more nonsensical summer blockbuster action and surprises leading to jaw-dropping and eye-rolling results.”
Grade: B
Rama Tampubolon says, “Whereas the previous Fast and Furious movies were just stupid, well this one, FAST X was stupid fun! And Jason Momoa channeling Heath Ledger’s Joker basically stole the whole damn show. Downright hilarious. What I’m getting at is, if you hate Fast X, then you are over thinking it, you are overanalyzing it. Just take the film for what it is, man, a helluva wild ride. Fast X validates the presumption that if you come in with a super low expectation (which is understandable given this franchise’s track record), you might end up enjoying the film, which I certainly did.”
Grade: B
Stacey Yvonne says, “This film may be the best one of the Fast saga (though I’ll save my judgment until the final two films come out). It still manages to top itself stunt-wise, even when calling back to previous stunts. Reality no longer exists; physics is but a concept, gravity an option, and anything is possible — especially if you have a car like Dom’s.”
Grade: B
Kolby Mac says, “Strap in, because Fast X doesn’t let up. For better or worse everything is thrown at the screen. Fast Cars, Familial melodrama, and physics defying Action ignites the most suspension of disbelief necessary to make this charmingly absurd story come together and you’ll enjoy almost every minute of it along the way.”
Grade: B
Matthew Creith says, “There’s no telling how many more of these movies Diesel and Company have up their sleeves, but at least this one tries its best to set the stage for a new trilogy with a befitting villain. Jason Momoa is having the time of his life with Dante, bringing menace and intrigue to an otherwise animated Big Bad. With a runtime of 2 hours and 20 minutes, it’s not the most concise entry into the franchise, but time isn’t felt in a place like this. With some of the internal fighting between crew members cut, the movie could have been streamlined. There are way too many characters to count at this point, and not all of them are necessary to the story. But it’s a fun flick with outstanding climatic sequences and a colorful Jason Momoa that’s worth the price of admission.”
Grade: B
Jami Philbrick says, “Fast X is just as big, dumb and fun as you would expect, featuring a fantastic over-the-top performance from Jason Momoa.”
Grade: B
Rasha Goel says, “Fun, full of stunts, and absurd moments brought together by a great cast. Jason Mamoa definitely stole the show! Also loved the cameo appearances by numerous celebrities.”
Grade: B –
Chelsea Schwartz says, “Fast X is both ridiculous and ridiculously fun. Did we need another Fast and Furious film? No, definitely not. At least this one pokes fun at itself while yet again topping it’s stunt performances. The real scene stealer being Jason Momoa who clearly had the time of his life playing Dante. Highly recommend viewing it in 4DX to truly experience the ride of a lifetime.”
Grade: B-
Caillou Pettis says, “Fast X caters to fans who crave more of the same adrenaline-fueled, car-centric spectacle that the franchise is known for. While the action may be forgettable and the film may lack innovation, it offers a passable escape for those seeking mindless entertainment.”
Grade: B-
Scott Mendelson says, “Fast X is, by default, the best ‘Fast Saga’ flick since ‘Furious 7.’ It has a knowing charm, terrific turns from Jason Momoa and John Cena, and it feels more intentional than the last few scattered entries. I’m amused at how Jason Statham plays Shaw entirely differently in each appearance.”
Grade: B-
Zaki Hasan says, “Fast X is exactly as nutty and physics-defying as we’ve come to expect from these flicks, but Jason Momoa is having the absolute time of his life playing the best villain in the entire series. He practically elevates the whole thing a letter grade all by himself.”
Grade: B-
Nicholas Spake says, “While the actors all do their jobs in Fast X, Dom’s family might be getting too big for its own good. Roman and Tej are just there to bicker, Megan is just there to spout tech mumbo jumbo, and Han is just kind of there. Returning favorites like Jason Statham’s Shaw and newcomers like Brie Larson’s Tess aren’t given as much time to shine as one would hope. It’s also hilarious to think that between Larson, Charlize Theron, Rita Moreno, and Helen Mirren, Fast X has more Oscar-winning performers than Everything Everywhere All at Once. At least John Cena is a lot more fun this time around, although Jakob Toretto completely changes from stone-faced assassin to fun uncle.”
Grade: B –
Mike Manalo says, “I will say nothing in this movie made me think “wow, this is just way too stupid” as I did with “cars in space” F9 and The Fate of the Furious. And neither of those films had performances as strong as that of Momoa’s. Hell even Cena’s performance in this is better than Cena’s self-serious performance in F9. And for this reason, as sloppy and disjointed as Fast X is, it’s, dare I say it, something of a return to form for the franchise (if you’re into that sort of thing). If you’re not a fan, stay away. But if you love this franchise, shut your brain off and embrace the stupidity.”
Grade: B-
Peggy Marie says, “Realistically speaking, I don’t think anyone goes to see a Fast and Furious film for the dialogue or acting. Fast X is no exception to the rule – sometimes so over the top you have to laugh. The storyline is all over the place and at this point there are more family tree’s in the franchise than there was in Game of Thrones. Jason Momoa will either win you or lose you here – channeling his inner Jack Nicholson to the fullest extent.The ending has a twist, a guest star, and tells you exactly what spin-offs are in the future. – But the action is there and it can be fun at times, so just go in with no expectations and see where it takes you.”
Grade: C+
Wendy Lee Szany says, “Fast X is filled to the brim with insane car stunts and explosive action – as one can expect from a Fast & Furious film. Jason Momoa is incredibly fun to watch and one of the most interesting characters in the franchise to date. Story gets a bit muddy due to the amount of characters in this one.”
Grade: C+
Jana Nagase says, “Fast X is an action-packed, funny and entertaining ride. Jason Momoa steals the movie with Joker like vibes. It seems like he was having the time of his life. The best villain in this franchise. But, as a Brazilian, I had some “no, no” moments. Brazilians drink CAIPIRINHA & not mojito! They didn’t play Brazilian music… they should have played funk or pop Brazilian music instead of Reggaetón.”
Grade: C+
Lupe Rodriguez Haas says, “Fast X, which is the tenth installment of the FAST & FURIOUS franchise, is more of the same gravity-defying stunts and laughable dialogue but Jason Momoa fuels the action with humor. The script is also filled with fun moments that poke fun at the “familia” and the ridiculous car stunts.”
Grade: C+
Rosa Parra says, “Fast X minimally improves from its last two films, the majority of it being the addition of Momoa. His performance alone is worth the ticket entrance. He doesn’t fail to deliver nonsensical action with atrocious dialogue but is an enticing villain that did enough to spark my curiosity for the upcoming entries. This film is nothing groundbreaking that does what any blockbuster movie sets to do though – entertain.”
Grade: C+
David Chen says, “Fast X is a listless, plodding, assaultive experience. It pounds its viewers into submission, while offering little for reward other than cars, explosions and a parade of meaningless cameos. The other Fast films had a similar formula but with a cast that is so packed and with no real central driving plot/Macguffin, this movie lacks the charm of earlier entries. Worst of all: the movie ends abruptly halfway through! Outrageous.”
Grade: C+
John Rocha says, “Fast X brings out of your mind action sequences, thrilling race and fight scenes and a devilishly evil and BONKERS performance from Jason Momoa to the table. Unfortunately, they forget to give us time to reconnect with these characters and tap back into their lives before driving us from one action sequence to the next. This serves to undercut what could’ve been a fantastic entry into the franchise and instead turns into one of the most soulless and vapid ones. See it for the action and Momoa, but you won’t remember a damn thing afterwards.”
Grade: C
Dan Murrell says, “Fast X is an entertaining yet incredibly unsatisfying movie. Some of the action is the best we’ve seen from this franchise in years, and yet the decision to make this the most frustrating kind of incomplete movie, a blatant money grab to force audiences to see the next film, undercuts a lot of what works. Jason Momoa emerges as the movie’s one redemptive factor, playing a Fast villain for the ages who steals every scene he’s in as well as the scenes he’s not in. The rest of the cast fits into their well-worn niche while Vin Diesel continues to take these movies far too seriously, glowering glumly throughout the film. It would be wise for this franchise to take its actual one last ride sooner rather than later.”
Grade: C
Tony Toscano says, “After an exciting opening sequence, Fast X is just more of the same. The same action, the same plot and the same lack of connection with the audience. However, because of that opening scene, I’m elevating my grade.”
Grade: C
Nestor Bentancor says, “Fast X starts firing on all cylinders, but it’s tiring mechanics take us along winding roads, better traveled in the past. A well-oiled amusement park ride in its day, the franchise is increasingly feeling like a creaking carousel.”
Grade: C
Sari Cohen says, “From the adrenaline-fueled streets of Rome to the snow-covered landscapes of Antarctica, Fast X goes everywhere and nowhere all at once. So don’t expect an Oscar-winning film. Instead, gear up for a fun flick with familiar characters, clichéd one-liners, and some over-the-top GCI that makes the impossible seem probable.”
Grade: C
John Nguyễn says, “Fast X is silly and cartoony just like the recent films in the series. Jason Momoa is having a blast as the villain. There’s plenty of fun and plenty of unintentional laughs too. Sadly, I fell asleep during the third act because the action was run-of-the-mill.”
Grade: C-
Rick Bentley says, “The multi-car pile-up that is Fast X is either an example of how there are no original ideas left in a franchise that ran out of gas five films ago or just the fact that no one cares anymore because they know moviegoers will buy tickets even if the film is a total wreck. In the case of this clunker, it is a bit of both.”
Grade: C-
Patrick Beatty says, “Fast X is a very mixed bag because, on one hand, I left the theater really unsatisfied- but still drunk on the poison that will eventually lead me back to the theater for the next one. Weirdly enough, this is still a recommendation just for Momoa’s performance.”
Grade: C-
Patrick Stoner says, “However much you love your car from over a decade ago, you must face the facts that it has aged and technology has improved since it was the hot new thing. So it is with this franchise. A new paint, some new parts, and blaring sound from its outdated CD player cannot disguise the fact. Donate to charity and move on.”
Grade: C-
Kevin Taft says, “Fast X is another mind numbing entry in the Fast and Furious saga, which has no other point then to remind us over and over again that they’ve created a family. And they have to project their family. At all costs. The movie is full of platitudes for dumb people. Cameos by celebrities for no reason. And literally no ending. Because there are two more coming. (God help us all.) The saving grace is Jason Momoa, who chews the scenery as a sort of masculine/fey villain in touch with his softer side. There was a point where I secretly started rooting for him to kill them all. This movie has no care for collateral damage. Even the kid in the movie ends up blowing up cars with people inside. Bad guys or not, he’s literally murdering people. We wonder why people are obsessed with guns and violence, we should look at movies like these that celebrated it as a big joke. And speaking of, the action scenes seem fun, but they’re so ridiculous and so completely against the laws of physics that they just seem pointless. It’s also clear that a lot of it is CGI so the thrill is negated watching poorly animated cartoon cars bounce down steps or fly off bridges dragging helicopters with them. I felt stupid after I walked out of the theater.”
Grade: D+
Nate Adams says, “The laws of physics and gravity notwithstanding, Fast X is just a tireless exercise in Diesel trying to deliver lines of emotional dialogue while people scream into walkie talkies and blow things up. There was a time you could forgive those shortcomings, because the endearing quality of the earlier films weren’t so much rooted in the outlandish stunts, but stronger, grounded scripts that understood the stakes without being corny or cheesy (although the stunts had more spark than the CGI gunk here). We’ve already jumped the shark twice and supposedly, depending on who you ask, there’s either one or two movies left in the pipeline. I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Grade: D+
Francisco Cangiano says, “Fast X is better than the previous film, yet still one of the weakest entries of the whole franchise. Come for more absurd, silly action hijinks, stay for Jason Momoa’s flashy, bonkers Dante Reyes – best villain of the series.”
Grade: D+
Griffin Schiller says, “Fast X might be the worst blockbuster of its caliber since Transformers 5, the latter of which gave me a migraine! The self seriousness reaches an all time obnoxious high & fuck, the amount of repetition & needless (BAD) set pieces made my eyes glaze over. Too much. I simply don’t care about anyone anymore, it’s over played it’s schtick, it’s contradictory self serious and self aware, none of it meshes together, I know 10 year old’s who’ve constructed more cohesive and imaginative fever dreams…I’m just so, SO over it.
The amount of gov agent jargon, tech babble, new characters, ABSURD backstory & connections made my head hurt. It’s like the worst version of a movie we saw the trailer for at the start of Tropic Thunder. You know why those trailers worked? Because they were 1-2 min of nonsense! No one ACTUALLY wants to see a feature length film of that. I felt like o was watching Will Ferrell riff in a mock story room for 2 hours. I couldn’t believe it!
Jason Momoa was definitely the highlight…but even his charisma is just a horrendous imitation of Ledger’s Joker. Honestly embarrassing. At least he had fun!
There’s just way too many fucking characters who all feel the same, plot lines, retrofitted connections, the melodrama…god it’s too much. It’s so exhausting. And overestimates how far the one note “family” motif can go. Fast X burns the last drop of the good will for the franchise.”
Grade: D-